Paper should be preceded by an abstract of not more than 300 words

Manuscripts of the papers
The text of the paper must be typed in 12 font size, Times New Roman in 1.5 line space with left and right margins of 1.5&qout; and 1&qout; respectively and the pages numbered consecutively. The draft should be typed only in MS Word and not in PDF format.
Ideally the length of the paper should be between 3000 to 5000 words including tables, references etc.
Submission of two hard copies and soft copy is mandatory. Softcopy should contain full text of the paper including notes, reference, tables, charts and maps in the given format A brief autobiographical note should be provided including full name, contact details and brief professional biographies (50-80 words). The information should be provided on the separate sheet and authors should not be identified anywhere else in the articles.
Tables/ Figures should be numbered consecutively and inserted into the document in the preferred location which should be clearly indicated.
Citation in the text and References must correspond to each other. Avoid giving the obvious/ old classic studies or the irrelevant ones. References should be listed in the alphabetical order of the last names of the authors. Authors are requested to follow APA format for references. All Journal titles with volume number and issue numbers are required to be given in italics. All book titles should be given in italics,
An exact copy of the submitted manuscript should be retained by the author(s) so that the editorial office can seek clarification by referring to specific pages, paragraphs or lines. In case suggestions for improvement are communicated, the revised article shall be published after changes are incorporated and the same returned to the institute.
The main text should be prepared for blind review. It should not contain any references indentifying the author in any way.

Cover Page
It should contain only the title of the paper, authors' name, designation, official address, email and phone/fax number on a separate sheet. Manuscript not considered for publication will not be sent back. Only information in this regard shall be provided.
Readers are invited to respond to any article in the form of letters/email to the Chief Editor. The manuscripts may be submitted either through e-mail at or authors amy submit two hard copies and one copy of CD to the editor Dr. Seema Sareen, Dev Samaj College of Education, Sector 36-B, Chandigarh.
