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'Republic Day Eve Celebrated as “Ek Bharat Sreshth Bharat” cum Voters' Day Celebration'

January 25, 2020
'Republic Day Eve Celebrated as “Ek Bharat Sreshth Bharat” cum Voters' Day Celebration'

Dev Samaj College of Education, Sector 36B, Chandigarh organized a function to celebrate “Republic Day Eve” Celebrated as “Ek Bharat Sresth Bharat” to promote Unity in the country & also for the upliftment of Girls Child and “Voters' Day” on 25th January, 2020 in the college premises with great zeal and enthusiasm. The event aimed at inspiring young minds to learn importance and need of Constitution as well as Voters' role in forming the Republic of the Nation. The celebration was supervised by Mrs. Charanjit Kaur and Dr. Harpreet Kaur- NSS Officers of the college who devotedly worked hard in achieving the aims of the cause.

The function commenced with addressal speech by Dr. (Mrs.) Agnese Dhillon - Principal DSCE who brought energy to the event through her motivational words.

The speech was followed by the college prayer cum song titled "Bharat Humara Desh Hai" by one and all to enliven the souls with the spirit of Nationality. Dr. Richa Sharma, Associate Professor, DSCE recited a poem composed by Pt. Ram Prasad Bismil. Other competitive activities like Poster-making competition, Song - recitation, Speeches, etc. eventuated in which each student took part passionately and brought glories. Dr. (Mrs.) Agnese Dhillon- Principal, DSCE appreciated the efforts of NSS Team, NSS Officers and all faculty and students of the college for having organized the event to the best possibility.

The event concluded with the National Anthem.
