Teacher Incharge:
- There is an arrangement of Tutorial Period in the Time Table. Students are divided in groups and one mentor is assigned to each group. In the tutorial period that is held once a week, the mentor counsels the students and tries to resolve the problems faced by the trainees. either with the help of college management/ administration or on his/ her own depending on the nature of the problem.
- The mentor provides the services for the whole academic year to a group of students and discusses with the teacher trainees about their academic performance, personal, educational and vocational problems.
- On the celebration of Parents Day one to one interaction between mentor and parent of each group member is organized. The mentor interacts with parents and hand over the letter of gratitude written by wards to parents.
- For taking leave or concession, the teacher trainee is expected to inform the mentor through a written application.
- A diary has been given to each teacher trainee to keep a record of lectures attended, lessons conducted, practical completed, marks obtained in term end examinations and participation in curricular and co curricular activities. The record is checked at the end of every week.