As a part of Dev Samaj College of Education, sector 36 B, Chandigarh’sendeavor of ensuring a safe, secure and gender neutral campus, conducted a workshop on “Enhancing Capacity in Preventing Sexual Harassment at Workplace”organized by NATIONAL ALLAINCE OF WOMEN (NAWO) and supported by the British Deputy High Commission on December 5 ,2019.An eminent academician and internationally renowned activist Professor (Emeritus) Pam Rajput along with Assistant Professor Ameer Sultana from the Department cum Centre for Women’s Studies and Development , Panjab University were invited toconduct an interactive session with the students. The Principal of the college Dr (Mrs) Agnese Dhillon welcomed the guests with a sapling which is a symbol of prosperity and harmony. The objectives of this training programme were to create awareness, prevention and redressal of sexual harassment at work place. Professor Pam Rajput acquainted the students with Convention on Elimination of all forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW), an international treaty adopted in 1979 by the United Nations GeneralAssembly. India ratified the convention in the year 1993 to provide a strong base against the discrimination taking place at different spheres in the country. She also made the students aware of different articles and fundamental rights which are laid in the constitution regarding this context. She quoted different landmark cases like The Butt-Slapping Case of 1988, the Vishakha and others vs State of Rajasthan of 1997 and the Nirbhaya case of 2012. Professor Ameer Sultana continued with the workshop by defining Sexual Harrassment under the definition given by CEDAW. She also explained the different forms of gender based violence targeting the sphere of work place. The Principal congratulated Dr. Puneet Kooner, Co-ordinator of the workshop for the successful conduction of the event.
Dr (Mrs) Agnese Dhillon