Mathematics Laboratory
The mathematics laboratory of the college is a place where prospective teachers can experiment and explore patterns and ideas. It is a place where one can find a collection of various mathematical aids, games, puzzles, mathematical- equipments and other teaching -learning material meant to develop and enhance inquiry based learning. Numerous mathematics aids are prepared and used by the prospective teachers to explore the world of mathematics, to discover, to learn and to develop an interest in mathematics. Various aids are issued to the students for their demonstration lessons and skill in teaching examinations. In the mathematics lab students explore and design new mathematical activities and enjoy mathematics through informal exploration. The activities performed in this lab consists of a wide range, intended to give students a practical experience of doing mathematics while enjoying it too.
- To provide low cost learning aids to emphasis on “learning by doing”.
- To develop an attitude of inquiry among students.
- To strengthen present day mathematics education by bridging the gap between theory and practice of mathematics education
- To develop much needed confidence in students.
- To generate interest in the subject mathematics.
- To make mathematics learning more practical.
- To define the concept of mathematics laboratory based on education theories like constructivism, activity based learning and treating mathematics as an empirical science.